Where We Meet

Our main meeting is weekly, Mondays 1pm at St Paul Church Hall.  St. Paul's Rd, Heaton Moor, SK4 4RY, The Church Hall is behind the church,  between the church and the playing field. Our normal schedule of meetings is:

  • Monday 1pm-2pm, St Pauls Church Hall – project planning
  • Monday 2pm-5pm, working in the Shed

We meet on a Thursday at 6pm, in the Shed,  this is a general get together, chat, improve the workshop and woodwork session.  This meeting is in the workshop beneath the church,  walk round the building until you see some steps going down to the cellar.

We also often meet for a social gathering  at 9pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at The Moor Club, (ground floor, next to The Elizabethan)