Who are Heatons’ Men In Sheds?

Heatons’ Men in Sheds is a voluntary group that aims to tackle social isolation in older members of the community.  Our Mens Shed provides a setting where people can socialise, work together, learn new skills and share their own skills. We are based in the 4 heatons but have members from all over Stockport.

Mens Shed

We have many interests from learning basic to advanced computer skills; woodworking; community gardening; photography and image correction; repairing electronics and general restoration.  By working together and inviting anyone to join we hope to overcome the loneliness that can occur after redundancy, retirement, relocation or bereavement. We do this by meeting regularly, being productive and getting involved in our local community.

Our meetings are on a Monday afternoons and Wednesday Evenings where we are setting up the group,  preparing the wood workshop, and working on community projects.   We are trying to do as much as possible from donations and with the expertise within the groups, and so this covers all aspects of getting the workshop to a usable condition, including electrics, fire regulations, building the work benches etc.   

The workshop is be available for all the members to use as they wish, although we are planning to benefit the wider community by making planters and benches for green spaces and shopping areas.

We also run one to one sessions on basic PC skills, and hope to soon set up some photography workshops.

Our facebook page is www.facebook.com/Heatonsmeninsheds/ if you wish to meet some of us online first.

Areas Covered by our Mens Shed - Heaton Moor, Heaton Chapel, Heaton Mersey, Heaton Norris. But we have members from Reddish, Poynton, High Lane, Cheadle, Cheadle Heath, Offerton, Didsbury.
What We Do

We meet and help each other, some members just come for a cup of tea and a talk, others get involved in community projects (mainly woodworking)

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Where We Meet

We Meet in St Pauls Church Hall Mondays at 1pm, The Shed on Wednesday Evenings, and the Moor Club on Thursdays.

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