Free Computer Help

FREE Computer and Mobile Phone Help

Do you want to make more of your laptop, tablet or smartphone?
Do you have a laptop you are struggling to use?
Are you confused by security whilst on the Internet?
Do you have a smart phone, but cannot read your emails on it?
Or maybe you want to learn about spreadsheets, writing websites, creating a Facebook page etc.
Come to our free, informal one to one sessions for adults of any age, where you can learn more about your computer, tablet or smartphone
Bring your own device or use one of ours, for anything from a simple question to a big problem

What can we help you do?

  • Explore the internet safely
  • Explore the internet safely
  • Use Social media – like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
  • Stay in contact with your friends or family
  • Use email, instant messaging and/or video calls
  • Manage your bank accounts online
  • Book a doctors appointment or repeat prescription
  • Manage, enhance, share and print your photographs
  • Improve Security by avoiding scams and fraudsters
  • Manage your budget with a spreadsheet
  • Ensure your documents and photos are secure and backed up

Is it Really Free? What is the Catch?

Yes, it is completely free. There is no catch. Heatons’ Men in Sheds members provide the free computer sessions. We are a group of retired IT professionals each with 20+years of experience who want to help our neighbours.

Where and When?

The Moor Club, Heaton Moor Road, Heaton Moor (next to the Elizabethan)

7pm every 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month