Co-op Warm Spaces

MORE WARM SPACES FOR HEATONS’ MEN IN SHEDS. Please donate. For those who don’t know Heatons’ Men in Sheds is a voluntary group that aims to tackle social isolation in older members of the community. Our Mens Shed provides a setting where people can socialise, work together, learn new skills and share their own skills. We are based in the 4 Heatons but have members from all over Stockport.
In conjunction with the Co-Op Warm Spaces Funding Boost scheme, we are trying to raise money to open the Shed more often, particularly over the winter, and to create and improve our ‘warm spaces’ – the workshop areas.
The benefit of the partnership with the Co-op is they will match (up to £250) any donation you make. More information is on the crowd funding web site, where you can also make your donation via credit or debit card or bank transfer

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